Our Expectations of You

These expectations are an extension of the Student Charter and all policies related to student conduct and behaviour established by the University. It is recommended to remain familiar with these policies as they exist to support your educational experience whilst at Swansea University. 

There is lots of support available to you during your time at Swansea University, but it can be a challenge to know where to start. If you are ever unsure, please reach out to the Student Experience and Information Team, who will offer guidance or point you in the right direction.

Science & Engineering Expectations

General Expectations

You should…

We will…

Be respectful

  • We ask you to be courteous to others, and treat all members of the University and local community with respect.


Remain professional

  • The University is a formal environment and you should remain professional & polite when taking part in any activity associated with your programme. This includes in-person activity, all types of assessment (including groupwork), and when communicating via online platforms such as social media, Unitu or email.
  • When contacting staff via email, you should always use your University email account – check this regularly, as it is the University’s primary form of communication.


Look after your space

  • The Faculty aims to provide a safe environment for all students to work & study.
  • In all spaces, appropriate Health & Safety regulations should be followed, and you should leave spaces as you find them. Please ensure all personal items and rubbish are disposed of in available bins.  






Be respectful

  • All staff will treat members of the University and local community with respect and courtesy.
  • Personal Tutors, Module Coordinators, Year Coordinators and instructors will aim to respond to emails within 3 working days, ideally sooner.
  • Sometimes, staff may respond to you at evenings and weekends – but you should not expect this as normal working hours should be respected.
  • Staff may reply to you about module content, but, for large modules staff may leave communications to other means (i.e. Canvas Discussion Boards)



  • Personal Tutors, Module Coordinators, Year Coordinators and instructors will aim to respond to emails within 3 working days, ideally sooner.
  • Sometimes, staff may respond to you at evenings and weekends – but you should not expect this as normal working hours should be respected.
  • Staff may reply to you about module content, but, for large modules staff may leave communications to other means (i.e. Canvas Discussion Boards)


  • If a concern is raised regarding behaviour of an individual (staff or student), staff will act upon this appropriately and in a timely manner. This may involve signposting you to additional support teams or procedures.


Further Information & Support 


Engagement: Lectures, Active & Practical Classes Assessments Examinations