two students in library

Academic Regulations exist to assure academic standards for Swansea University’s portfolio of programmes and awards. The regulations also ensure that all students are treated fairly. It is important that all students enrolled at the University familiarise themselves with the specific academic and general University regulations, policies and procedures, and the rules that apply to their studies.

References contained within the academic regulations to Faculties/Schools include, when the context so admits, ‘The College, Swansea University’, unless specifically stated otherwise. Likewise, references to Swansea University Executive Deans also include, when the context so admits, The College Director/Principal of The College, Swansea University, unless specifically stated otherwise.

The University’s regulations, policies and procedures, and Minimum Standards for Education Practice are aligned with the Quality Code published by the Quality Assurance Agency, which is the body that monitors and advises institutions on standards and quality. 

For PGR students viva arrangements please see Assessment and Progress for Research Students

General, Assessment and Award Regulations

General Regulations 

(applying to BA/BSc (Hons), Advanced Initial Degrees, Diploma of HE, Certificates of HE) 

Assessment Regulations  

(including specific regulations and regulations for The College)

Bachelor Degrees

(applying to BA/BSc (Hons)) 


Advanced Initial Degrees

(applying to specialist programmes in areas such as Mathematics, Physics) 

Foundation Degrees  

(work based learning programmes in the areas of Engineering and Computer Science) 

Graduate Diploma

(applying to programmes that require graduate entry) 

Foundation Certificates 

Certificates of Higher Education (CertHE) 

Diploma of Higher Education (DipHE) 

English for University Studies and ELTS

(applying to students pursuing English for University Studies) 

Regulations for Associate Students

(applying to students pursuing modules and not a programme of study)


 Degree Apprenticeship Regulations 



Medicine, Health and Life Science Specific Regulations Engineering Specific Regulations Management Specific Regulations

Additional Regulations and Policies for all students

Some Frequently Asked Questions are also available on the University FAQ Knowledge Base website