General Assessment Regulations


In order to complete the Apprenticeship, a student must pursue modules to the total credit value of 360 credits. The pass mark for each module is 40%. Credits will only be awarded for modules which are passed.


Students who pass each module with a mark of at least 40% shall automatically qualify to continue with their studies and/or proceed to the next semester of study. (Faculties/Schools may specify additional requirements but must notify students accordingly).


Decisions on student progression may be taken by the University Progression and Awards Board at the end of a trimester or at the end of a full academic year, following completion of the taught components.


Decisions on student awards shall be taken by the University Progression and Awards Board at the end of the programme, following completion of the taught components and work-based learning components.


Students may be allowed to progress with a limited number of failed modules per year. Such failures will be referred to as “compensated failures”. Credits will not be awarded for compensated failures. Rules for the application of compensated failure are provided for under ‘Specific Assessment Regulations’ for each programme of study.


Students who are unsuccessful in any module will be permitted one attempt only to redeem the failure, usually by undertaking supplementary assessment. Normally students who are unsuccessful in any module will automatically be offered this attempt unless the specific scheme regulations preclude this. 


Students who are required to undertake supplementary assessment shall undertake such assessments at the next appropriate assessment point for the programme of study, which may be outside of formal assessment periods. The method and timing of supplementary assessment opportunities shall be provided to students via the programme handbook.


Students who are required to undertake supplementary assessments in failed modules, provided they satisfy the examiners, will have a capped mark of 40%. The capped mark will be used for the purposes of determining the final award classification.


Students who choose not to attempt to redeem a failed module will be awarded a mark of 0% and will not normally be offered a further attempt.


When determining progression decisions of students following supplementary assessments, the Progression and Awards Board will refer to the best mark scored by the student in each particular module during the session.  


Students will not be allowed to undertake supplementary assessment in any module which has been passed in order to improve their performance. 


It is recognised that some students may not be able to attend examinations e.g. due to illness or other extenuating circumstances. It is, therefore, recognised that such students shall be permitted to apply to sit such examinations as deferrals.

Applications for deferrals shall be considered in accordance with the procedures published in the programme handbook.


Students who are awarded a decision of “Required to Withdraw” will be given no further opportunity to redeem failures.


The rules outlined in the Specific Programme Regulations: Progression and Award will normally influence the University Progression and Awards Board in arriving at a progression decision for students. However the University Progression and Awards Board may take into account other circumstances relating to the student's case before taking any progression decision. The Board would not be expected to allow a student to progress unless they had satisfied the minimum criteria.


Exit Qualifications

A student who is admitted to an Apprenticeship programme but is subsequently unable, or is not permitted, to progress to completion may, depending upon the number of credits attained at the appropriate levels at the time of exit, qualify for one of the following awards:

Exit Awards

Exit QualificationMinimum number of credits to have been pursuedMinimum number of credits to have been achieved
Foundation Degree in Computer Science(FdSc) A total of 240 Completed Level 4 and 80 credits at Level 5
Certificate of Higher Education (CertHE) A total of 120 credits 

80 credits at Level 4

Foundation Degree in Aeronautical and Manufacturing Engineering/Advanced Manufacturing Engineering A total of 240 (credits pursued)

Completed Level 4 and 120 credits at Level 5 (credits achieved)

A student exiting a programme with a Foundation Degree may be eligible for the award of a Distinction where they have attained an overall average mark of 80% or above and 60% for a merit.

A student exiting a programme with a Certificate of Higher Education may be eligible for the award of a Distinction where they have attained an overall average mark of 70% or above and 60% for a merit.

Such exit qualifications shall be approved by the University Progression and Awards Board who will refer to the results of all modules pursued during the trimesters of each year of study. 

Specific Regulations: Progression and Award

Apprenticeships in the Faculty of Science and Engineering

BSc (Hons) in Applied Software Engineering

These regulations will apply at the Progression and Awards Board/Faculty/School Board normally held at the end of each trimester and following a supplementary assessment opportunity. The Board, in agreeing a progression or award decision, shall refer to the results of all modules as accumulated pursued during the trimesters of each year of study.

Rules to be applied at the end trimesters one, two, four, five, seven and eight of study during the Progression Board and supplementary Progression Board/Faculty/School Board: 


Students who pass each module with a mark of at least 40% shall automatically qualify to proceed to the next trimester of study.


Students who fail up to 40 credits but have achieved a minimum of 30% in each failure and who have passed all core modules shall be permitted an opportunity to redeem a failure from the current trimester. Such failures will be referred to as "compensated failures". Credit will be awarded for compensated failures.

Students who fail up to 40 credits shall be permitted an opportunity to redeem a failure from the current trimester. 


Students who fail more than 40 credits, or have failed a core module or have achieved any module with a mark of less than 30% shall be given the decision of “Fail”. Such students, depending on the number of credits achieved, may be eligible for an exit award (see G12).

Rules to be applied at the end of the third and sixth trimester (end of level) during the Progression Board


Students who pass each module (120 credits) with a mark of at least 40% shall be deemed to have completed the Level and shall automatically qualify to proceed to the next level of study.


Students who fail up to 40 credits but have achieved a minimum of 30% in each failure and who have passed all core modules shall be deemed to have completed the Level and shall qualify to proceed to the next  level of study. Such failures will be referred to as "compensated". Credit will be awarded for compensated failures.

Students who fail up to 40 credits shall be permitted an opportunity to redeem a failure from the current trimester. It is not possible to redeem a failure for a core work based learning module. Failure of any work based learning module will result in a decision of “Fail” for the level of study.


Students who fail more than 40 credits, or have failed a core module, or have achieved a mark of less than 30% in any module, shall be given the decision of “Fail”. Such students, depending on the number of credits achieved, may be eligible for an exit award (see G15).

Rules to be applied for the consideration of an award at the end of the ninth trimester (end of level six)


Students who pass each module (120 credits) with a mark of at least 40% shall be deemed to have completed Level 6 and shall automatically qualify to be considered for an award.


Students who fail up to 40 credits but have achieved a minimum of 30% in each failure and who have passed all core modules shall be deemed to have completed Level 6 and shall qualify to be considered for an award. Such failures will be referred to as "compensated failures". Credit will be awarded for compensated failures.

Students who fail up to 40 credits shall be permitted an opportunity to redeem a failure from the current trimester. It is not possible to redeem a failure for a core work based learning module. Failure of any work based learning module will result in a decision of “Fail” for the level of study.


Students shall be awarded a Degree in accordance with Regulation 8 of the Regulations for Bachelor Degrees.


Students who fail more than 40 credits, or have failed a core module, or have achieved a module mark of less than 30% in any module shall be given the decision of “Fail”. Such students, depending on the number of credits achieved, may be eligible for an exit award (see G15).

BEng (Hons) in Aeronautical and Manufacturing Engineering delivered in collaboration with Coleg Cambria
BEng(Hons) in Advanced Manufacturing Engineering delivered in collaboration with Coleg Cambria

These regulations will apply at the Progression and Awards Board normally held in September following any supplementary assessment opportunities.


All modules are core and need to be passed. Compensated failures will not be permitted.


Students shall be given one opportunity only to redeem a failure (resit) in any assessment component. If the assessment component is passed at the second attempt, the assessment mark will be capped at 40%. If the assessment component is not passed, the best mark principle will apply. The timing of the supplementary period will be determined by Coleg Cambria in consultation with Swansea University.


Results of taught modules (excluding the work-based project module) shall be considered and confirmed at the Interim Examination Board.

Rules to be applied during the relevant Progression Board (Year 1 & Year 2)


In order to progress to the next level of study a student must accumulate 120 credits by passing all modules with a mark of 40% or more.


Students who pass each module (120 credits) and each assessment component with a mark of at least 40% shall be deemed to have completed the Level and shall automatically qualify to proceed to the next level of study.


Students who fail to achieve a mark of 40% or more in any element of assessment as a second attempt shall not qualify to proceed to the next year of study. Such candidates will not normally be offered a further opportunity to redeem the failure and will be given a decision of fail.


Students who fail to complete a level of study will be awarded an academic decision of Required to Withdraw from the University. Candidates may be considered for the award of an Exit qualification.

Rules to be applied at the end of Year 3 Award Board


Consideration of student awards will be taken by the University Progression and Awards Board, at the end of the full academic year, when the full profile of module results, including work-based learning modules is available.


Students who pass each module (120 credits) and all elements of assessment within each module, with a mark of at least 40% shall be deemed to have completed Level 6 and will automatically qualify to be considered for an award.


Students shall be awarded a Degree in accordance with Engineering Assessment Regulations on the Classification of Honours Degrees.


Students who fail any module or assessed component at the supplementary attempt, shall not qualify for consideration of the degree award. Such candidates will not normally be offered a further opportunity to redeem the failure(s) and will be withdrawn from the programme and the University. Candidates may be considered for the award of an Exit qualification.