Need help with enrolling? Please watch our new step-by-step enrolment video!
Do I need to enrol?
All students are expected to enrol every year if you have not graduated and you are in one these categories:
- New and continuing undergraduates and postgraduates
- Students on a teaching, nursing, medical, study abroad or work placement
- Research students writing up, preparing for a viva, completing corrections or resubmitting
- Students on degree apprenticeships
- Studying at a partner institution in the UK or abroad for a Swansea degree
Professional learners also need to enrol on continous professinal development (CPD). microcredential or work based learning programmes and modules.
Find your campus accommodation postcode
Need to find your University accommodation postcode? Browse Campus accommodation postcodes
Find campus maps
Maps and locations of Swansea University campuses are available here
How do I log in for the first time?
You will be sent two emails with details of your username and password enabling you to log in and access Swansea University apps and accounts.
The first time you login, you will need to use your University student email address (your student number as the username and the temporary password already provided to you.
You should login to your account for the first time by going to and clicking on the Login icon.
For more information about accessing your account, passwords and authentication browse Your Account. If you need support please contact the IT Service Desk on telephone number +44 (0)1792 604000 or email
How do I enrol online?
- If you have registered your right to study documents then you should be eligible to complete enrolment online:
Login to My account click on the Intranet app and Start Enrolment link
Follow the step-by-step instructions to review your student record, personal data, modules, fees and funding.
On the last tab click Finish to complete your enrolment
- At the end of the process you should see a message and receive an email confirming you have successfully enrolled.
How to register UK and Ireland right to study documents
The first step of online enrolment is to check you have registered right to study documents.
If you have not passed this check before then upload your UK or Irish passport or three alternative documents to verify your identity, nationality, fee status and eligibility to receive a student loan or other funding.
UK or Irish passport upload
Please ensure that your passport has not expired and that you have a clear scanned image of the page containing your photo and personal information (passport number, name, place of birth, etc.) only. Do not include the page opposite the photo page as this reduces the image quality.
Complete the form carefully and ensure that the information provided is accurate and all of the fields must be completed - see below guidance how to complete each field:
- Image Upload - You will need to upload an image of the page containing your photo and personal information (place of birth, passport number etc.) only. You CANNOT upload a pdf. We accept jpeg or png file types with a max file size of 100MB. Please ensure the uploaded image is of good quality as this could prevent you from collecting your ID card and/or completing enrolment.
- Passport Number - This can be found on the top right of your passport and is 9 characters in length.
- Name - The name needs to match the name that is on your passport. Please ensure you enter all names displayed.
- Issue Date and Expiry Date - Please select the dates from the date picker, ensure these dates are correct as this could prevent you from collecting your ID card.
- Passport Nationality - The nationality cannot be changed as this is retrieved from your personal details and should match with your passport. Please select “Yes” from the drop down if your nationality is correct. If not please select “No” and follow the instructions.
- Place of Issue - Enter the place of issue as displayed on your passport
- Country of Birth - Select from the drop down the country of birth displayed on your passport.
- Place of Birth - Enter the place of birth as displayed on your passport.
Uploading THREE alternative documents if you are British and do not have a passport
- Birth Certificate
- UK National Insurance Number letter (or NI card or P60 or payslip with your NI number)
- ID with your photo - a UK photo driving licence; or a recent photo ID from your previous school, college, institution, club or employment; or a UK Citizen Identity card.
We will verify your documents and the Right to Study tab will change to "ticked" when your documents are accepted. Otherwise you will need to re-upload a rejected document.
Need help?
If you have any queries about UK and Irish right to study registration contact Student Records.
How to upload your UK or Irish passport
Have a clear scanned image to upload of the page containing your photo and personal information (place of birth, passport number etc.) only. No other pages will be accepted. Please do not include the page opposite the photo page as this reduces the image quality. We accept jpeg or png file types with a max file size of 100MB.
Login to your MyUni account, click on the Intranet app and Start Enrolment button.The first tab is “Right to Study” where you upload your passport.
Complete each field:
Upload an image of the page containing your photo and personal information
Passport Number - This can be found on the top right of your passport and is 9 characters in length.
Name - The name needs to match the name that is on your passport. Please ensure you enter all names displayed.
Issue Date and Expiry Date - Please select the dates from the date picker, ensure these dates are correct as this could prevent you from collecting your ID card.
Passport Nationality - The nationality cannot be changed as this is retrieved from your personal details and should match with your passport. Please select “Yes” from the drop down if your nationality is correct. If not please select “No” and follow the instructions.
Place of Issue - Enter the place of issue as displayed on your passport
Country of Birth - Select from the drop down the country of birth displayed on your passport.
Place of Birth - Enter the place of birth as displayed on your passport.
Staff will verify the uploaded image is of good quality. If the image is rejected you will need to re-upload an image to complete the right to study step.
Remember to bring your passport when collecting your University ID card. The passport image you upload must match the passport you present in person.
Register your immigration documents and BRP card collection
In person registration on campus
It is important to register in person your non-UK/Irish passport and right to study immigration documents or eVisa share code as soon as possible after your arrival with Student Compliance Services. When your documents have been registered you can then complete the other steps of enrolment online.
For information about booking appointments and BRP collection, browse the student compliance services web page and video.
Remote registration
If you are on a placement abroad, studying your course wholly overseas or distance/online learning, please email a copy of the passport page with your photo and include your student number to Student Compliance Services, who will advise you on the next steps.
Need help with registration?
Contact Student compliance services
I cannot enrol and/or arrive on campus before the course starts - what can I do?
Late arrival/enrolment
If you cannot enrol and/or arrive on campus before your course starts, please contact your Student Support Team for advice and agree an arrival date, you MUST obtain permission from your School or The College before travelling to Swansea.
International Students awaiting Visa Decisions: If you do not think you will be able to arrive by the date agreed by your Faculty, you have a submitted a visa application, and have not yet received a decision, you may want to try to withdraw the application as soon as possible. This should trigger a refund of visa fee and Immigration Health Surcharge paid. You will need to apply for a fresh visa for your deferred course date and so a withdrawal could prevent a duplication of payment. Contact international campus life for further information about this process.
I have been withdrawn or had my record closed due to non-enrolment, what can I do?
New students
Defer your place if you cannot enrol and join Swansea University in the future, you will need reach out to the relevant Admissions team for assistance: Undergraduate Courses Postgraduate Courses
Continuing students
Suspend studies if you cannot enrol and return at the next available start of session. Email your student support team and they will submit an application on your behalf to suspend your studies, enter your name and student number in the body of the text. You can also mention the reason you are suspending (e.g. financial hardship) and any additional details if needed.
Permission to enrol late
You may request permission to enrol after your course starts as follows:
Students studying in the UK must report in person to your Faculty or School student support desk to request permission to enrol late. Email requests will not be accepted.
Students studying from abroad/distance learning may email a Permission to enrol Form (PDF) | Permission to enrol Form (Word) for approval to enrol late to your student support team.
Permission to enrol not approved
If permission to enrol cannot be approved, in accordance with undergraduate regulation 4 or postgraduate regulation 4, you may within 10 days of the decision submit a review. Please read the Administrative Review Process before submitting your review.
To submit your review please complete the following form Admin Review Form / Cais am Adolygad Gweinyddol and email it to the Associate Director of Student Operations, Education Services.
What if my student loan is delayed?
We recommend you set up a direct debit as a temporary financial guarantee so that you can enrol on your course without making a payment.
When you receive your student loan the direct debit is cancelled.
The first payment by direct debit for students starting in September is not until November which gives plenty of time for your DD to be cancelled
For more information and payment advice browse How To Pay Fees
What is enrolment?
All students must enrol before they can officially study at Swansea University, including students studying at partner institutions.
- When enrolling you will:
Register your proof of identity, nationality and right to study documents (normally a passport, plus a visa for international students).
Agree online to be a student at Swansea University for the academic year, or part of the academic year.
Agree online to abide by the University's regulations and policies.
Verify and update key personal data in your online student record.
Check and select online the modules you will be studying (where applicable).
Pay your tuition fees online or have a student loan or proof a sponsor, bursary, scholarship or grant to pay your tuition fee.
Collect your University ID card (where applicable).
Attend induction and welcome events.
- If you do not enrol you will not be able to:
Claim your University ID card (where applicable)
Receive your Student Finance Loan or other bursary/scholarship payments (where applicable)
Access resources for your programme of study and additional University services and information
Participate in assessment
Receive proof of enrolment letters for third parties (for example to open a Bank account)
Live in a University residence (where applicable)
Receive Council Tax exemption
When should I enrol and arrive?
You should plan to arrive and have somewhere to live within commutable distance of Swansea in time to study a campus based course.
To keep your student record active it is important to enrol by your teaching start date or research course start to gain access to teaching, online learning, digital course materials, and receive a certificate, see the enrolment timetable for dates.
If your enrolment or arrival is delayed please contact your faculty immediately to discuss your plans.
When does term and teaching start?
Click here for the dates for September entry courses and most students enrol by the term start date but it is essential you are enrolled by the course start date when teaching and the research year starts.
Contact your Student Support Team if you have any queries about your induction, teaching timetable and modules, research supervision or if your arrival is delayed.
For queries about enrolment and registration, fees and funding and other University services contact MyUniHub.
If you are a current student, your teaching timetables for Semester 1 are now available to view here.
Permission to enrol has not been approved - what can I do?
If your request for permission to enrol has not bee approved, in accordance with undergraduate regulation 4 or postgraduate regulation 4, you may within 10 days of the decision submit a review.
Please read the Administrative Review Process before submitting your review.
To submit your review please complete the following form Admin Review Form / Cais am Adolygad Gweinyddol and email it to the Associate Director of Student Operations, Education Services.