Henry Hoddinott
Henry Hoddinott headshot


I grew up in Somerset, mostly on a dairy farm, which is where I got my inspiration to become an engineer. Whether I was helping fix and maintain machinery, tinkering in the garage, or helping with DIY, I was always enjoying myself taking things apart and finding out how they work. My ambition is to work in engineering management, but I also love to travel and so a job abroad is a big aspiration. I enjoy walking, spending time with friends (at the pub or not!) and reading a good book.


My passion for being a student voice and ensuring that postgraduate students can access and receive the best support throughout their studies is what drove me to become a student rep. I feel my seven years’ experience at Swansea University has taught me how to navigate the various support services on offer and the procedures in place. I strive to help fellow students at any point with any queries or questions, or be able to point them in the right direction for the help they need.

Materials Science and Engineering


I will always be a point of contact for the students in my subject. I attend monthly student-staff meetings for my CDT and cohort, and will attend any wider rep meetings to ensure I pass on student feedback and find out useful information to share with my fellow students. I will always continue to build on my rapport with both staff and students.

An interesting fact about me


I completed my undergrad in Chemical Engineering at Swansea and now research the fundamentals of nanoclusters in my EngD. I'm sponsored by Diamond Light Source, the UK's national synchrotron facility, and so I get to spend my working days in the super cool labs and X-ray beamlines, where I manufacture and characterise my nanocluster-based samples. I love that I get to try something new most days, and so the work never gets boring!
