Submission process

Submission process

Students are required to complete a Notice of Intention to Submit (NITs) 3 months prior to submission.

You are required to submit your electronic thesis to

If your files are too large, upload your thesis to your OneDrive account and share the link with Please find OneDrive Guide on how to do this.

First Submission

Only an electronic copy of your thesis is needed, softbound thesis submissions are no longer required by the University.

Please ensure you’ve signed the correct Declarations page – electronic signatures are accepted. You will also need to include a completed Submission Checklist with your submission.

Final Submission

You will be informed when you can submit your final submission.

You are required to only submit the electronic version of your final thesis.  Please ensure your Declaration page contains the appropriate statements and is signed and dated - electronic signatures are accepted.

As from 1 October 2021 it is no longer a Swansea University requirement to submit a hard bound copy of your thesis. Instead, your thesis will be uploaded to the Cronfa Repository. You must send a completed E-thesis Agreement in with your final copy of your thesis.

Guide to Submission and Presentation of the Thesis