Upcoming Induction sessions

April 2025

July 2025

Ocotber 2025

Exact dates and location TBC

Welcome to Swansea University Faculty of Science and Engineering

As a new student at the Swansea University Faculty of Science and Engineering, this section covers the relevant information that you need to know at the start of your candidature

Your formal candidature begins from the 1st of the month you begin your course, in either January, April, July or October.  Please make a note of this as you will need to know this date in future!  You will need to re enrol on the anniversary of this date every year.  Once you have completed your minimum candidature there will be no further fees to pay, but you MUST remain enrolled as a student to receive your degree.

  • If you are receiving a bursary it is important you enrol as soon as you are notified to do so to ensure that you continue to receive your payments.
  • If you are receiving a Staff Bursary a new request has to be made each year in time for enrolment.
  • If you are paid by a third party, Student Finance must receive the formal notification from the fee payer each year before enrolment.


Attending induction is a compulsory requirement and it will help you have a better understanding of the University, the Faculty and how you will be supported as a student. Additional information will be provided throughout your time at Swansea via emails from pgr-scienceengineering@swansea.ac.uk  and via our webpage at Postgraduate Research - Swansea University . This is updated regularly with all the information you will need during your time as a Post Graduate Researcher at Swansea and includes practical how to guides along with a calendar of events and seminars which you are free to attend.

Contact with your Supervisory Team

It is very important that you make contact with your first supervisor after enrolment.  They will go through with you the practical arrangements relating to your course and will be your main point of contact within the Faculty.

Canvas/Student Handbook

(Available once you have registered for you University Student Card)

On your intranet dashboard you will find ‘Canvas’. The Canvas site for Postgraduate Research degrees forms the ‘Student Handbook’ and contains a wide range of information relevant to you as a postgraduate research student and you are encouraged to make yourself aware of its contents and use it as a resource to answer any questions that you may have.

Attendance Monitoring

The University requires the attendance of all its students to be monitored. e:Vision is used to manage this and your supervisor will be recording your attendance on a monthly basis. Students who fail to attend for two consecutive periods will be contacted, and, persistent non-attendance can result in a student being withdrawn from their course of study.  

 Holidays and Sickness

The Annual Holiday entitlement of 4 weeks and sickness absence are managed by your Supervisor.

 Absence of more than 7 days & Travel Abroad

For absences (not holidays or sickness) of more than 7 days you will need to complete the Request for Temporary Leave from Study form and return it to pgr-scienceengineering@swansea.ac.uk

 If you are travelling abroad for any reason related to your research degree or the University e.g. data collection/research/meetings/conferences you must also complete the Overseas Travel Policy Risk Assessment and carry the appropriate Insurance documents. Please contact your supervisor before making any non refundable arrangements.

 Degree Timeline

This schedule gives you the key milestones within the degree process.  You will be supported through each stage of the process by your supervisors and the process is managed by the Faculty Postgraduate Research Office. These activities are delivered through the online eVision system. The Faculty Postgraduate Research Support Team will be provide you with the relevant information and guidance at each stage.  The timeline refers to a full time student and would be adjusted for part time students.

 eVision Research Management System (RMS)

The milestones within the timeline are all managed and monitored through an online system known as e:Vision.  You will be given an overview of the requirements of this system at Induction and further training will be available via the training portal.

You will receive all messages from the system on your University email so it is essential that you monitor this address.

Access to eVision is from the MyUni page once you have logged on.

The FSE Postgraduate Research Support Team handles all the administrative arrangements associated with your degree and assists with your progression through the various stages.  We will be contacting you using your student email account so please ensure that you monitor this account or have it forwarded to an account that you do regularly monitor.

 The team will help you with any issues or queries so please do contact us if you need assistance.

 We hope that your time in Swansea will be both productive and enjoyable.