We've brought together a wide range of information that you may find helpful. There are many online and local resources and programmes which are updated regularly.
- SilverCloud is an online course which offers support for anxiety, depression, and much more, all based on Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT). NHS Wales are offering the course for free to those aged 16 or over, who are registered with a GP in Wales or live in Wales AND who are not receiving secondary or tertiary mental health services (e.g. not under the care of a psychiatrist or psychologist). This free online course can be accessed via a smartphone, tablet, laptop or desktop computer.
- Meddwl is a place to get mental health support and information – all through the medium of Welsh.
- Mind charity provide information and brief guides to managing and getting support for a wide range of mental health issues, including an A-Z of Mental Health.
- myf.cymru is a Welsh language mental health and wellbeing project for students, which has created a website of the same name. The resources have been created in partnership with Bangor University, Aberystwyth University, University of Wales Trinity Saint David and Grŵp Llandrillo Menai. On the site, you will find original content from Welsh speaking students and also mental health resources that have been reviewed by Welsh speaking therapists. The project has also developed an App based on the 'Moving on in my recovery' work, which you can use to follow 12 steps to look after your mental health. There is also a podcast called 'Sgwrs?' which covers issues that affect students today.
- Rethink Mental Illness provide a range of information and advice around Mental Health difficulties for all those affected by mental illness, their carers, family and friends.
- Student Minds is the UK's student mental health charity.
- Student Space is for students who are navigating the uncertainty of university life, including phone, text and webchat support.
- Togetherall is available 24/7 and offers free mental health information, support, and a forum for students with mental health issues to support each other. Togetherall is also free to Swansea University staff.
Self Help Guides, Workbooks and Books
This section contains a wide range of online courses and workbooks that are designed to improve wellbeing and develop strategies for managing difficulties and distress. These courses have been developed by professionals using a variety of evidence-based psychological approaches. Please be aware that these resources are not intended as a replacement for specialist assessment and support. If you have concerns about the appropriateness of these courses for you, please consult a medical, mental health, or therapy professional.
AMOSSHE the student services organisation have a collection of guides to promote emotional balance and resilience.
BEAT Provide information and guidance on difficulties with eating or for people with an eating disorder.
Centre for Clinical Interventions provide cognitive behavioural workbooks to self-manage problems with anxiety, appearance concerns, bipolar disorder, body dysmorphic disorder, depression, distress tolerance, eating disorders, generalised anxiety and worry, health anxiety, interpersonal problems, panic, perfectionism, procrastination, self-compassion, self-esteem, sleep, social anxiety, and unhelpful thinking styles.
Good Universities Guide to procrastination and the Pomodoro Method.
Hapus is an online course that prepares you for the mental, emotional, and practical challenges of university. It provides you with the knowledge and tools to deal with issues such as social anxiety, managing your money and low mood. You can access the course via your Canvas account.
James Clear is author of the bestselling book “Atomic Habits” and provides a free guide to tackling procrastination.
Living Life to the Full offer free and paid courses to help tackle problems of low mood and anxiety following a cognitive behavioural approach.
Mental Health Foundation provides information, self-help guides and podcasts on mental health and mindfulness.
Mood Gym is an interactive online self-help web resource aimed at helping people self-manage common mental health issues.
- NHS Inform Scotland provide self-help booklets on managing a range of psychological difficulties.
- NHS University Health Board's self help guides.
- Revive Prescribed Meditation is a free resource guided by Dr Liza Thomas-Emrus, a GP who qualified as a meditation teacher with the British School of Meditation. There are sessions suitable for beginners or those more advanced in meditation, and include targeted sessions for physical and mental health difficulties (including anxiety & stress).
- Samaritans Cymru have launched Finding Your Way (PDF, 2.1 MB), a guide for anyone who is struggling to cope.
- See what's in our university library.
- Student Minds have launched Transition into University, a resource focusing on time management, relationships, identity, finances, sexual activity, mental illness, suicide and addictions and more.
- Students Against Depression offers information about depression and a forum for peer support with other UK students experiencing depression.
- The Royal College of Psychiatry provide information on a very wide range of mental health problems, and also provide guidance on access assessment and treatment.
Local Resources
Canopi offers free and confidential mental health support for NHS and social care staff across Wales.
- Adferiad Mental Health Sanctuary is an out of hours service that provides practical and therapeutic, holistic person centred support to people at risk of mental health crisis in Swansea and Neath Port Talbot. The service is open 7 days a week, 365 days a year, from 6pm until 3am. The Sanctuary is now open to self referrals, if you would like to access this service then please contact 01792 399 676; lines are open between 6pm and 1:30am.
- Live Well by NHS Wales provides tips and tools to help you make the best choices about your health.
- Mental Health Matters host free weekly online support groups for people who have concerns about self harm, anxiety and depression, eating disorders and LGBTQ+ issues. They also provide information and advocacy.
- One-Stop Mental Health Hub is run Swansea City A.F.C in conjunction with the Jac Lewis Foundation, South Wales Police, Samaritans and Swansea City Council. For further information, please visit the Swansea.Com Stadium website, Jac Lewis Foundation website, or email jaclewisfoundation@gmail.com.
- Swansea Council for Voluntary Service have produced a directory of local and national support services covering a wide range of issues, more information can be found on their website.
Let’s Talk About CBT discusses what Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) is, what it is not, and how it can be useful.
MindSET is Body & Soul’s digital resource for young people to improve their mental health and wellbeing through free, live, online sessions, videos, animations and podcasts.
- Accessible yoga sessions with Miranda Yoga are available on YouTube. There is an extensive range of classes available focusing on relaxation, movement and also specific sessions for mental health difficulties such as anxiety, depression, grief and recovery.
- Headspace provides a mindfulness mobile phone app where you can access a free 10-day programme of mindfulness audio guides. Headspace is free for Students with Spotify Premium.
- Browse our list of useful Wellbeing Apps.
Pandemic Resources
Coping with Coronavirus by Trainee Clinical Psychologists from University College London.
- How to look after your mental health during the Coronavirus outbreak by Mental Health Foundation.
- Coronavirus and your wellbeing by MIND.
FACE Covid – How to respond effectively to the Corona crisis PDF and YouTube video by Dr Russ Harris, author of The Happiness Trap.
OCD and Coronavirus Survival Tips by OCD UK.
Tips and Strategies to Cope with Anxiety and Coronavirus by BACP.
NHS Covid-19 Anxiety Tips by Every Mind Matters, NHS.
Coronavirus anxiety: how to cope if you're feeling anxious about the outbreak by BACP.
Psychological Coping in Social Isolation by American Psychological Association.
Looking after your Mental Health in Social Isolation by BACP.
How to look after your self-care during Coronavirus by BACP.
Eating Disorders and Coronavirus by Beat.
Coronavirus resources and online forum for autistic people and families by National Autistic Society.
Further Support
Mental Health Support in Wales
To access statutory mental health support, counselling or therapy in Wales, please contact your GP or NHS 111. NHS mental health services in Wales can only be accessed by a referral from your GP or another healthcare professional.
Mental Health Support in England
To access mental health support, counselling or therapy in England, please contact your GP, or enter your GP Practice details into the link below to find out your local services and contact them directly.
NHS talking therapies is a free service available to any individual who’s GP practice is based in England, they can offer talking therapies such as cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT), counselling, other therapies, and guided self-help. To explore the NHS talking therapies service please click on the link: NHS Talking therapies webpage.
Mental Health Support in Scotland
To access mental health support, counselling or therapy in Scotland, please contact your GP, or use the NHS Inform Service Directory to find services local to you.