
The guidance outlined below is supported with links to the relevant university finance policy details so that you can be assured the information provided is regularly updated as and when policies are amended. 

Purchasing of goods and services

Students sitting outside Coffeopolis

Overview of Purchasing of goods and services

To purchase any goods or services the following guidance is to be followed:

  1. Discuss your need to purchase goods or services with your supervisor as they will be responsible for the funds that will support your purchase.
  2. Your supervisor will review your request and will confirm whether approval has been granted. They will then confirm the account code details that will need to be verified in your purchase request submission.
  3. Your purchase request should then be submitted as follows:

Expense claim processing

Entrance to Engineering central

Overview of Expense claim processing

The university has implemented an expense claim policy that applies to staff and students. Details of the policy are confirmed via the following link: Expenses Policy and Procedure - Swansea University

The guidance should be reviewed ahead of you making any direct purchase yourself with a view to being reimbursed by the university at a later date. As a rule only a limited range of travel based costs can be reclaimed via the expense claim system. These include the following:

  • Subsistence
  • Mileage allowance
  • Fuel for hire vehicles
  • Short distance/low cost travel: for example – service buses and local taxis

The reimbursement of all other costs are only considered on an exception/contingency basis where prior approval has been granted.

Please Note: ALL PGR students should use the following process for claiming expenses and NOT put expenses claims through ABW.



All queries relating to the purchasing of goods and services should be raised on the new service now helpdesk.

For any further queries related to expense claim processing, please contact the team @fseexpenseclaims@swansea.ac.uk