Your journey starts here...

Medicine student and lecturer with x-ray

Congratulations on securing a place to study at Swansea University

Welcome to Swansea University!

Congratulations on gaining your place to study medicine with us here in Swansea. You should be very proud of your achievement as this has been a very competitive process.

We are looking forwards to welcoming you to the Graduate Entry Medicine Programme at the start of the academic year in September. Although there is hard work ahead, we are certain that you will enjoy your time with us.

We don't expect you to do any coursework preparation before you arrive as we would like to you relax and refresh over the remainder of the summer. However, MedSoc have provided some information that you might find useful. Everything that you need to know will be covered during your induction week and we will be in contact soon with the details of how that week will run.

Professor Ffion Williams

Head of Graduate Entry Medicine and Chair of Medical Education


Graduate Entry Medicine Induction Schedule 2024

Monday 2nd September 2024
Monday 02/09/2024 09:30 10 mins Grove lecture theatre  Welcome to the Faculty of Medicine, Health and Life Science and Medical School                                                              Professor Keith Lloyd   13:30     Afternoon free for MedSoc

  09:40 10 mins Grove lecture theatre  Welcome & Introduction to the Medical Programmes
Professor Ffion Williams (Head of GEM), Professor Kenny McKeegan (GEM Programme Director)
  09:50 15 mins Grove lecture theatre  Welcome & Introduction to Graduate Entry Medicine
Professor Ffion Williams (Head of GEM), Professor Kenny McKeegan (Programme Director), Carl Rowe and Christian Cobbold (Year 1 Lead / Deputy) 
  10:05 30 mins  Grove lecture theatre  Library Session
Erika Gavillet
  10:45 45 mins  Union House Room 302 (PC lab)  Introduction to the ISR and Canvas session - Group A
Claire Vogan and Christian Cobbold
  11:30 45 mins  Union House Room 302 (PC lab)  Introduction to the ISR and Canvas session - Group B
Claire Vogan and Christian Cobbold
  12:30 1 hr Grove lecture theatre  Medsoc session: Introduction to the societies  
Tuesday 3rd September 2024 Wednesday 4th September 2024 Thursday 5th September 2024 Friday 6th September 2024 Wednesday 25th September 2024 Friday 27th September 2024

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