As part of your studies or assessment, you may be required to work in groups. While there are restrictions on in-person contact, you will need to undertake any collaborative work online where possible. This page covers everything you need to get started with online collaboration and the software to support it. Even if you do not have group work, this guide will help you keep connected to your course mates.

When working with other students, it is important to understand that everyone will have different responsibilities and needs. Some people may have care, childcare and/or homeschooling to balance alongside their studies. You will need to consider these responsibilities when you arrange your meetings to ensure you are inclusive to everyone in your group. If this proves impossible, let your lecturers know.

Creative Commons LicenseThis content is drawn from the following source from Hull University, which is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.