A screen displaying the silhouettes of 3 people
two men emerging from laptop screens shaking hands

Online Collaboration Tools

As part of your studies or assessment, you may be required to work in groups. While there are restrictions on in-person contact, you will need to undertake any collaborative work online where possible. This page about Online Collaboration Tools covers everything you need to get started with online collaboration and the software to support it. Even if you do not have group work, this guide will help you keep connected to your course mates.

Someone watching an online lecture and writing notes.

Learning from Webinars

With a lot of teaching now taking place using online webinars, this guide on learning from webinars hopes to help you make the most of this form of instruction and collaboration. 

Using Zoom for Online Meetings

Online Lectures at Swansea University are largely taught via Zoom, which is also used extensively for web-conferencing in the world of work. As such, you need to be familiar with the app and it’s features to access and participate in your lectures successfully, and integrate into the workplace after university. If you want to learn more about Zoom or need assistance, you can visit the university’s comprehensive Zoom Guide. 

Microsoft Teams

Microsoft Teams provides an excellent channel through which you can work and communicate with your peers. You may also find that some staff at the university prefer to use Microsoft Teams to conduct appointments or tutorials. If you want to learn more, you can check out this Microsoft guide on improving your digital skills in Teams. 

Specialist Software For Your Course

If you need specialist software provided by the university for your course, you can access it through remote PC access to use software that is only available on university computers, or to access software if your own machines operating system will not allow you to install specific software. Have a look at the Remote PC Access Service webpage to find out more and connect to a campus PC.