Covid-19 Swansea University Response 2021-22
In response to the ongoing Covid-19 pandemic and changes to Welsh (and UK) Government Policy, the University is continuing to work with students to ensure the provision of appropriate support and to protect their outcomes.
Since the start of the pandemic, the University has introduced a ‘Safety Net’ for students in the 2019-20 academic year, followed by a ‘No Detriment Framework’ in 2020-21. These approaches reflected the point at which the University and our students were at during the pandemic and sought to reassure students that their academic outcomes would be in line with previous years, and that the University has a framework to respond should there be evidence that their performance has been affected by the pandemic.
As the University has returned to more face-to-face delivery, and has adapted its processes and approaches to learning, teaching, assessment and student support, including the assessment and examination arrangements and the extenuating circumstances procedure to better support students in these challenging times, it was agreed that for the 2021-22 academic year, further supporting structures were no longer necessary.
All assessments will continue as currently planned from January 3rd and, as things stand, teaching will begin on January 24th (or earlier for some programmes) with the timetables that are currently being planned for TB2. The final timetables are due out the week of the 10th of January.
If there is a significant change in Covid rules with a greater level of restrictions then we may need to begin TB2 online (apart from lab work, practicals and other exceptions). Should this be the case, there will be a clear communications strategy to ensure that all students understand the university response, and measures put in place to support them through the rest of the 2021-22 academic session.