These procedures are applicable to cases of academic misconduct involving Swansea University students (including those pursuing a collaborative programme with a partner institution), students on integrated programmes of The College, Swansea University and joint cases involving Swansea University students and/or students of The College, Swansea University on integrated programmes or non-integrated programmes. Cases of academic misconduct involving students of The College, Swansea University on non-integrated programmes shall be dealt with by The College, Swansea University.* 

*Integrated programmes are defined as those semesters of a degree pathway with modules delivered by the University and The College, Swansea University. Non-integrated programmes are those semesters of a degree pathway with modules delivered solely by The College, Swansea University.


Table 1: Penalties under examination conditions

Allegation/ OffenceIllustrative ExamplePenaltyDealt with by
1st allegation (no previous offence) Minor breach of examination regulations e.g. written or verbal communication which clearly has no bearing on the examination and is not of an academic nature. Written warning University Academic Integrity Lead/Faculty/School/Partner Institution
1st allegation (no previous offence) Moderate breach of examination regulations e.g.where a student has attempted written or verbal communication with another student relating to the examination or copying from another student’s work. Mark of 0% for the module component(s) Committee/Faculty/School/Partner Institution
1st allegation (no previous offence) Major breaches of examination regulations, e.g. notes taken into examination, which are relevant to the subject area. Mark of 0% for the module as a whole Committee/Faculty/School/Partner Institution

1st allegation
(no previous offence)

Serious breaches of examination regulations, with evidence of premeditated action e.g. notes pasted into reference books, im-personating another or allowing themselves to be impersonated, use of electronic devices pre-set with relevant material. Mark of 0% for the level of study Committee/Faculty/School/Partner Institution

2nd allegation (previous offence)

Examination breaches based on second allegations. 

Mark of 0% for the level of study and disqualification

Committee/Faculty/School/Partner Institution

Table 2: Penalties under non-examination conditions

Allegation/ OffenceIllustrative ExamplePenaltyDealt with by

1st allegation 

(no previous offence)

Minor plagiarism to include where the amount of the work affected was small and/or it is early in the student’s academic career or there is well-founded reason to suppose that the student did not understand the academic conventions. Written warning and plagiarised text to be ignored when marking, resulting in a reduced mark School/Faculty/Partner Institution

1st allegation 

(no previous offence)

Minor plagiarism from published work listed in the bibliography or minor amounts from a source not listed in a bibliography, misrepresentation of data which is of minor importance. Mark of 0% for the assignment School/Faculty/Partner Institution

1st allegation 

(no previous offence)

Plagiarism from published work listed in the bibliography or minor amounts from a source not listed in the bibliography; Misrepresentation of data which is of minor importance. Mark of 0% for the module
School/Faculty/Partner Institution

1st allegation 

(no previous offence)

Plagiarism from published work not listed in the bibliography or large sections of plagiarised text in the work with the source listed in the bibliography; unauthorised collusion with another student; Falsification of data which is substantial in extent or importance and where the data forms the basis of the conclusion/knowledge. Mark of 0% for the module as a whole School/Faculty/Partner Institution

1st allegation
(no previous offence)

Large or substantial texts plagiarised in more than one assignment/module; Misrepresentation or falsification of data which is major in extent or importance; placing of an order for a commissioned assignment with no evidence of submission. Mark of 0% for the level of study School/Faculty/Partner Institution/Committee

1st allegation 

(no previous offence) 

Commissioning another person to prepare the work on the student’s behalf and the student passing it off as their own.

Falsification/forgery of University documents; use of essay writing companies (purchased or unpurchased work); fabrication of data.

Mark of 0% for the level of study and disqualification School/Faculty/Partner Institution/Committee

2nd allegation (previous offence)  

Minor Plagiarism from published work listed in the bibliography or minor amounts from a source not listed in the bibliography; Misrepresentation of data which is of minor importance.

Plagiarism from published work not listed in the bibliography or large sections of plagiarised text in the work with the source listed in the bibliography; unauthorised collusion with another student; Falsification of data which is substantial in extent or importance and where the data forms the basis of the conclusion/knowledge.

Mark of 0% for the module as a whole

Mark of 0% for the level of study

School/Faculty/Partner Institution


2nd allegation (previous offence)

Large or substantial texts plagiarised in more than one assignment/module; Misrepresentation or falsification of data which is major in extent or importance.

Placing of an order for a commissioned assignment with no evidence of submission; Commissioning another person to prepare the work on the student’s behalf and the student passing it off as their own.

Falsification/forgery of University documents; use of essay writing companies (purchased or unpurchased work); Fabrication of data.

Mark of 0% for the level of study and disqualification

School/Faculty/Partner Institution




3rd allegation
(previous offence)

Any third offence.

Mark of 0 % for the level of study and disqualification 

School/Faculty/Partner Institution/Committee 

Table 3: PENALTIES FOR DISSERTATIONS (PGT DIL) (non-examination conditions)

Allegation/OffenceIllustrative example PenaltyDealt with by
1st allegation (no previous offence) Minor academic misconduct which does not affect the substance of the research. Fail, with a right of resubmission School/Faculty/Partner Institution
1st allegation (no previous offence)  Major act of academic misconduct e.g. substantial sections of the thesis are copied from another source, or statistics are fabricated/copied. Fail, with no right of resubmission  School/Faculty/Partner Institution/Committee
2nd allegation (previous offence)   Fail, with no right of resubmission  School/Faculty/Partner Institution/Committee


Table 4: PENALTIES FOR RESEARCH DEGREES (non-examination conditions)

Allegation/OffenceIllustrative example PenaltyDealt with by
1st allegation (no previous offence) Minor academic misconduct which does not affect the substance of the research. Fail, with a right of resubmission Committee
1st allegation (no previous offence)  Major act of academic misconduct e.g. substantial sections of the thesis are copied from another source, or statistics are fabricated/copied. Fail, with no right of resubmission  Committee
2nd allegation (previous offence)   Fail, with no right of resubmission  Committee