What support is available?

We recognise that students with caring responsibilities are already trying to juggle a lot alongside studying and other commitments.

We have created the Student Carers Support Package and Passport to help alleviate some of this additional pressure on you.

Please read this webpage in full, as it outlines additional support and adjustments you could be eligible for and how to apply.

We are here for you during your studies. 

We Care – Supporting Student Carers to succeed

carers logo

Are you a Student Carer?

“A student who cares full time and unpaid, for a family member or a friend who due to illness, disability, a mental health problem or an addiction cannot cope without their day-to-day support.” 

Please note: These duties would be in addition to the usual caring responsibilities that a parent would have for a dependent child unless the dependent child has a serious illness, mental health problem or disabilities.

What is the difference between the Package and Passport?

The support offering is split into the Package and Passport and has been designed with student carers and local carers associations to offer financial, pastoral and academic support to enable you to get the most out of your University experience. 

What next?

Frequently asked questions