What is this?

Welfare@CampusLife have a limited number of one-month gym and swim passes, available for students. These passes include access to the gym facilities, fitness classes on both Bay and Singleton Campuses, as well as the National Pool.

Why are we doing this?

Physical activity is a proven way of improving your mental and physical health. We have purchased these passes to provide an alternative method of support to help students that complement existing support services, and initiatives. 

We understand that attending the gym or class is not the answer for every student, but we hope it may assist some. For further alternative, non-advisory/clinical support, please consider signing up for CampusLife events, Get Active sessions, a society or volunteering with Discovery.

How do I apply for a pass? - The procedure


We welcome your feedback and listen to everything you have said to improve the gym and swim pass for other students. Please consider filling in this quick feedback form to tell us about your experience.