We understand that this is an anxious time and many of you are starting to apply for graduate roles and/or summer placements.  Rest assured, the Employability staff are working remotely and are able to offer support on CV writing, cover letters, applications etc. 

The team can be contacted via email, and where necessary phone, Skype and Zoom meetings can be scheduled. We can provide the following via these platforms:

  • Mock interviews/interview advice
  • CV and Cover Letter review
  • Suggestions for where to source placements and graduate jobs
  • Advice for assessment centres
  • Assistance with any Year in Industry queries 

You can still make an appointment to speak to a Careers Adviser

Resources can be found in the ‘Employability’ section on blackboard under the ‘General Information’ tab. 

The University’s Employability Academy (SEA) are also available remotely and can be contacted at employability@swansea.ac.uk

Science Employability support

Year In Industry Support