The Brilliant Club is an award-winning university access charity. They work closely with masters, doctoral and post-doctoral researchers, training them as university access professionals and placing them as tutors in state schools. Here they deliver academically rigorous programmes to small groups of high potential pupils from less-advantaged backgrounds.

If you have any queries regarding the organisation, the opportunity to work as a Brilliant Club Tutor or the application process please send us an email at 

The Scholars Programme 2023-24

The Brilliant Club’s Researcher Development Programme offers PhD and Early Career Researchers a meaningful, paid, professional development opportunity. Our mission is to support less advantaged students to access the most competitive universities and succeed when they get there. We do this by training tutors to deliver The Scholars Programme in non-selective state schools.

A recent survey of researchers showed 85% of tutors reporting that “working as a tutor has boosted their employability skills” and 96% agreeing or strongly agreeing that their latest placement “provided them with a meaningful opportunity for public engagement.”

Training and support

You will be supported to deliver university-style tutorials to small groups of pupils. For pupils aged 13 and above, you’ll design and deliver programmes based on your own research. For pupils aged between 9 and 12, you’ll deliver a pre-designed programme which is pitched at the appropriate level for these learners.

To prepare for your placements, all tutors take part in a pedagogical training programme. We offer a blended approach, combining online training with regional in person training to build community and allow you to meet your Brilliant Club colleagues.

Our training consists of:

  • Core pedagogy sessions focusing on course design, tutorial planning, pupil engagement, and assessment
  • Elective sessions which focus on topics such as the UK school system and teaching sensitive topics
  • Child protection and safeguarding
  • Social events