Inspirational Students

You can always contact your Student Experience team to provide feedback, but you can also contact your College Rep, who represents students across all programmes in the College. If you are interested in becoming a representative for your programme, let us know by emailing the student experience team

We will be sending more information about this later in the Semester.

Now for the important part...meeting your College reps; Megan Griffiths and Emma Courtney-Owen. They have provided an overview of their role as College rep and welcome below. We have also included some handy tips from previous College rep, Rinal Gudka, who has now graduated.

Rinal's tip for new students...

“The process of applying to a University and finally coming to study at a University away from home and comfort can be daunting! However, one thing I have learned from my experience is that the people at Swansea University are quite friendly, and if you are stuck just ask someone!

Do not be scared to ask for help! This can be from tutors, peers, or other staff members you see walking around. No one will shut you down, and if they cannot assist you, they will tell you where to go for help.

Try to get involved with things that you love doing asides from your course! This will not only allow you to make more friends but will also give you that time away from just studying and will be a good break.

Make sure that you visit classrooms before you start or at least a few hours before your first lecture! Especially if you have never been before... This is just to make sure that you know where you lecture rooms are and how long it would take you to get there. Do not make the mistake I did for my first day and arrived 40 minutes late to my first ever induction lecture!

Finally... enjoy the beach! Have barbecues with your friends, go for walks, explore and most importantly have fun!”

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Megan Griffiths - Year 3 Health & Social Care…

"Welcome to Swansea University! Being a College Rep has been a wonderful experience. I feel very fortunate to have had the opportunity to represent students and to be able to communicate feedback between students and University staff. Being a rep has allowed me to have an influence on my University experience by attending meetings to feedback issues and make changes. I have been able to arrange changes in submission dates and set up donation drives, amongst many other things!

I feel privileged to have been able to help alleviate assessment stress during Study Aid. In addition, I have thoroughly enjoyed meeting new people and making friends.

I am incredibly grateful to have had the opportunity to be a College Rep! It has allowed me to grow as a person and develop essential life skills." 

Emma Courtney-Owen - Year 3 Education & Psychology…

"My name is Emma, I’m 21 and currently in my 2nd year studying Psychology and Education at Swansea University.

I’ve really enjoyed studying at Swansea and getting immersed in the student experience. I really enjoy my course and I’ve had great support from staff and lecturers and have been given opportunities that I wouldn’t have had anywhere else. Swansea is a great place to be a student and I’ve met some friends for life here!

The student voice is important because it gives you as a student the chance to raise things that have an effect on you. It gives you a voice to communicate any issues, ideas, suggestions or praise that you may have and have a positive outcome for you and other students.

My tips would be to get involved in as much as you can, such as sports/societies, becoming a student rep/ambassador or volunteering. Don’t be afraid to talk to new people and remember that everyone is in the same boat as you! (And have fun but remember to get your notes and work done as soon as possible and don’t leave it to the last minute)!"

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