The expectation is that the overwhelming majority of candidates will submit their dissertation within the time limit of the relevant session as per the regulations. A candidate’s time limit/maximum candidature may be extended by Swansea University only in exceptional cases.
The regulations governing minimum/maximum periods of candidature are:
Minimum | Maximum | |
Full-time study | 12 months | 24 months |
Part-time study | 24 months | 60 months |
Full-time study extended programmes | 16 months | 36 months |
Students who fail to submit by their submission date will fail the dissertation module and a mark of 0% will be recorded unless the request for an extension to the deadline is approved.
Full-time students may seek an extension up to a maximum of 3 months in total.
Part-time students may request an extension up to a maximum of 12 months in total.
Requests that exceed these time limits will not normally be considered.
Requests for extension must be submitted to the School within one calendar month before the submission deadline/expected end date to ensure the student’s circumstances and work plan are up-to-date.
Requests for extension submitted to the School more than one calendar month after the submission deadline/expected end date has passed will not be considered and it is expected that a mark of 0% will be recorded for non-submission of the dissertation.
All extension requests submitted for consideration must contain the following:
- A clear statement from the student indicating how the circumstances have directly affected your performance and your ability to submit by your maximum candidature deadline.
- A comprehensive statement of support from the student’s supervisor(s).
- Information/independent evidence supporting the grounds for the request.
- An evaluation of progress to date including a work plan, which has been agreed between the student and their supervisor, for completion of the dissertation within the timescale of the extension.
Applications submitted without the appropriate evidence and work plan will not be considered.
The following grounds are considered acceptable reasons for extension:
- Compassionate.
- Health/Medical (excluding minor illness such as a cough/cold).
- Serious Domestic Difficulties.
- Inordinate Professional Commitments (only applicable to students undertaking their programme on a part-time mode of study).
Independent evidence to substantiate the cited extenuating circumstances must accompany the extension request.
The following is a non-exhaustive list of examples of appropriate evidence:
- A doctor’s/health professional’s letter/certificate including the student’s name, confirming the illness and clearly identifying that the time period of illness occurred during the dissertation phase. It is expected that medical evidence will carry an official signature or stamp. Photographs of prescriptions and medications will not be accepted.
- Hospital admission and discharge letter, including the student’s name and confirming time spent in hospital.
- A letter from the University’s Wellbeing and Disability Service, Sexual Violence Liaison Officer (SVLO), Sexual Assault Referral Centre (SARC), Counsellor, Swansea University Advice Centre (SUAC) or another agency a student may be supported by.
- A death certificate, Order of Service or Funeral Director’s letter.
- In the case of serious illness and/or death of a close relation (defined as a parent/primary carer of the candidate, sibling, partner/spouse, child/dependent of the candidate), evidence of the serious illness/death will suffice, and it shall be presumed that the illness/death had an impact on the student.
- Police Report (a crime reference number on its own will not be sufficient).
- In the case of short-term caring responsibilities and domestic difficulties which impact on the student’s dissertation, a statement from a family member/friend.
- In the case of long-term caring responsibilities, Carer’s Passport.
- Written confirmation and description by the student’s employer of the exceptional workload borne by the candidate (only applicable to part-time students citing inordinate professional commitments).
In applying for extension, students accept that their independent evidence may be subject to authentication. For example, where there are concerns over medical evidence, it may be necessary to contact the relevant medical organisation for verification. Students will be informed if this step is deemed necessary as it could lead to a delay in the extension outcome being communicated.
Applications for extension must be routed via the candidate’s School. This will normally be via the supervisor or relevant School administration team. Once sanctioned at School level, requests are to be submitted by the School to Student Services, Education Services.
Extension requests must be supported by the School and the student’s supervisor. Requests that are not supported cannot be considered.
The request will be vetted at each level at which it is considered to ensure that the necessary criteria for an extension have been met and that the documentation is complete. Where the necessary criteria have not been met, the request will not be considered further. Where documentation is incomplete, both the student and the School will be informed, and the missing information requested to ensure that complete documentation is supplied.
Requests are judged against clearly defined criteria and the process is clear and transparent. Therefore, the outcome of the extension request is final and cannot be appealed.
Retrospective applications or requests for second extensions where the maximum extension deadline has already been reached will not normally be accepted.
Requests for extension will not normally be considered for students who are resubmitting their work.
Both the student and the relevant member(s) of staff will be informed by Education Services of the outcome of the extension request, normally within 7 working days unless additional information/evidence has been requested.
Where the request has not been approved, Education Services will provide the reason for this decision.
Education Services will ensure that the student’s record is updated accordingly and that all relevant parties are informed of the change to the maximum candidature date, if applicable.