Transnational Education (TNE) are Swansea University higher education degree courses for students studying wholly from overseas and delivered through partnerships (franchised, joint and dual degrees) or through a Swansea University study centre, flying faculty, or online learning.
Enrolment for Transnational Education
Sign up to a transnational education course
The institution delivering your course will provide details of how to join a Swansea University online session and the presenter will help you sign up to your Swansea University TNE record, and by logging in to the Apply system and providing these details:
- Personal: enter your full official name, address and contact details
- Residential Category: Select “Overseas, other”
- Proof of identity: Upload an image of your Passport or your country's Identity Card.
- Qualification: Add your most recent school qualification, you will need to upload an image of your transcript or certificate. Tip: Tap “Add Qualification”, then “School” and select “Completed” in “Qualification status”. Enter the Completion Date (mm/yyyy format) and "N/A" in the Qualification Type and Subject
- Work Experience: Select "No"
- Language: Select “No”
- Statement: Select Add Personal Statement text and type “N/A”.
- References: Populate this section by typing "N/A" in the Referee Name, type "" in the Referee Email and "N/A" in the Referee Title
- Enrolment Declaration: Before completing the declaration make a note of your application ID number. This is usually a 7 digit number and referred to as your Student Number which you need to complete the Enrolment Declaration form.
Login to apply to:
Enrolment Declaration
To complete enrolment and be recognised as a Swansea University TNE student:
- Download and "sign" our Swansea University Enrolment Declaration (Word)
- Complete the form including your Swansea University student number
- Email the form to the Student Records Office
Swansea University will send confirmation you have been successfullly enrolled on your TNE course. By enrolling on a Swansea University course, you must understand the rules, regulations and policies to adhere to as a student:
- To abide by the Rules and Regulations of the University in the Academic Guide and Student Charter and am aware of my obligations with regards to engagement on my course and the university policy governing this:
- Understand the University is required to supply personal data to certain regulatory and statutory bodies concerned with the Higher Education sector and also supplies personal data to transact its normal business activities and to enable students to make use of services and facilities. For full details about your access rights, retention policy, data security, who we share data with browse our Student Privacy Notice
- Acknowledge that any work submitted electronically during the period of my enrolment at Swansea University may also be submitted via electronic plagiarism detection software and further details are published on the University's Academic Integrity web page.